S continued
go to glossary
section A-C D-I
J-S S cont R-Z
and science of growing trees, silviculture allows forest managers to imitate
natural processes of dynamic forest ecosystems (Fraser Inc.). Natural regeneration occurs through seed
or vegetatively, as even-aged and uneven-aged processes, depending mostly
on species characteristics. Silvicultural
systems based on reproduction by seed (the so called "high" forest methods)
are well recognized as the silvicultural prescriptions listed below.
EVENAGED SYSTEMS: Acceptable in areas
larger than 200 acres (where the untreated portion is large enough to provide
the required area of functional shelter (Vermont guide)),
with established rotation ages and cutting intervals.
Two or more cuts designed to either release advanced regeneration or
to establish new natural regeneration.
A transitional (to regen stage) cutting to remove volume in a first
cut without making the residual stand unsuitable for seeding in or sheltering
the new stand, and prohibiting another cut after adequate reproduction of
desirable species became established (Thomson 1950).
First Cut as a seed cut:
-leave at least 18 m2
of BA/ha, releasing final crop (seed) trees, yet provide shade to limit development
of intolerant shrub/tree regeneration (Fraser's Maine Timberlands).
- remove up to 35% of
the BA (Vermont Guide)
- remove 30 to 60% of
the trees (Fraser's)
- Cut from below to remove
low shade
- includes submerchantable
hardwoods down to 1 inch
- leave larger and vigorous
trees for seed and shade
- late summer logging
to prepare seedbed & reduce damage
- leave windfirm, healthy
seed trees as final crop trees
First Cut
as a release cut:
- employ regeneration
protection methods (winter, etc)
- remove up to 45% of
the BA
- remove low grade materials
first plus some higher grades
- leave windfirm, final
crop trees, ie minimize windthrow
- follow-up with final
felling in 3 to 5 years after release
-three stage where functional
shelter is limited, or on exposed sites with windthrow hazards (20% BA 1st
cut, and in 5 to 10 years, 20% BA in 2nd
cut, etc.).
Final Cut: (Vermont)
- complete removal of
merchantable volume
- after adequate regeneration
(1-2 ft) has been established
- winter logging with
regen protection measures
-to establish even-aged
regenerating stand
This group of treatments is often practised in stands with an objective of
promoting natural regeneration, salvaging mortality or eliciting growth response
in the residual overstory. In most situations this prescription is even-aged
management; however, in some cases the long-term objective may be to create
all aged stands. Generally up to 40% of the area ( and volume) is removed
in the first pass ( modelled as 33% removal), focusing on the shorter lived
species and lower quality or less vigorous trees. The second entry is normally
delayed by 5-10 yrs depending on the specific stand conditions and objectives.
There are some variations on the standard shelterwood that may be prescribed
in specific circumstances including irregular shelterwood and some group selection
methods. (JD Irving) Wind firmness is a primary concern limiting the implementation
of this treatment particularly in stands dominated by red spruce. Serious
blowdown in post treatment red spruce stands over the past years has discouraged
this teatment while encouraging the use of patch cutting as an alternative.
Is the shelterwood system described above except it is done in strips, separated
by uncut strips. In stands of
60+ years and 70% balsam fir (Vermont), or other
areas where uniform shelterwood is inappropriate. Strip cutting should proceed from the
windward side to enhance seed dispersal and minimize windfall along the edge
of the mature timber (Baker, 1934).
Once regeneration has occurred, the stand can be managed by uneven-age
group selection, or even-age shelterwood (ie final cut as above). Cut strips to be 20 to 40 ft wide, uncut
strips 40 to 80 ft wide (Vermont). Strip orientation should be east-west
to northeast-southwest depending on windthrow hazard. Use harvesting method which scarifies
the ground to favour spruce regeneration (Vermont).
- follow guidelines for
uniform shelterwood above
#3. SEED TREE: Requires leaving
a suitable number of good seed producing trees per hectare, which are harvested
after regeneration has become established.
This system favours light demanding regeneration and windfirm species.
This is a variation of clearcutting where the cuts are orientated in strips
or patches. Clearcutting is done
in the presence of established advanced regeneration, or in areas unrestrained
by manaagement objectives and wood supply calculations. In a DMAMU, area cut must meet area regulation
calculations (Vermont). Logging in the winter to protect advanced
SYSTEMS: (see uneven-aged definition below) Uneven-aged management systems, by area
regulation are the best method for managing DWAs (Vermont), the authors state
that individual tree selection is not preferred because it may reduce overall
shelter values through the uniform nature of the disturbance. Suitable in healthy stands 60 years (bF)
to 100 years (sp, Ce, He) old.
The objective of this prescription is to create and maintain an un-even aged
stand condition. Tolerant Hardwood TH, Tilerant mixed wood THSW, and cedar
dominated stands CE are usaully targeted, but this treatment may also be used
in stands with signicant components of red spruce, white pine or hemlock.
In addition, non timber primary management objectives in riparian zones or
in recreational and aesthetically important areas may result in a single tree
selection treatment being utilized. Depending on specific stand conditions,
uneven aged management typically removes 20-40% of the stand volume each entry
( modelled as 33%), with rentries normally seperated by 15-30yrs (modelled
as 20yr re-entries). The objective of these treatments is generally to improve
stand quality while maintaining a full range of age and diameter classes and
a suitable diversity of species at all times. The single tree selection prescription
is often used in TH and THSW stand types where maintenance of the existing
covertype is an important management objective. This treatment is usually
eligible for a royalty discount.(JD Irving)
Single Tree Selection: A continuous harvesting
operation based on 5 to 10 year intervention cycles, where individual trees
(hence small periodic allowable cut) are selected and harvested as they mature.
Shade tolerant seedlings or sprouts regenerate in the openings. Theoretically, single tree selection stands
contain trees of all age classes with fair crown closure. Changes in the stand's appearances from
one cutting to the next is often not readily apparent. General improvement cutting practices
are followed. (DNR choices), ie over time remove poor quality trees. (remove mature individual vs. remove all
size ranges?)
Like a single tree selection, the objective of the group selection is also
to create and maintain an uneven aged stad condition, The latter is usually
directed to stand conditions that will be managed on a single-tree selection
basis in the long-term. The group selection treatment often targets stands
where the long-term objective is to promote a different species composition
than is presently occuring on the site; eg promoting yellow birch over beech,
or spruces over balsam fir. Ideally, the opening size in a group selection
is less than one hectare and in many specific cicumstances it is much smaller
than that. Individual trees may be left standing in the opening, particularly
if they contribute to the long-termmanagement objectives for the stand (eg.
pole sized hardwoods or saplings of the desired species) Similar to single
tree, group selection typically removes 20-40% of the stand volume each entry
(modelled as 33%), with rentries normally seperated by 10-30yrs ( modelled
as 20yr re-entries) The earlier re-entry prescriptions will be used in some
situations to accelerate transition to uneven aged management. In some situations,
an entire stand may be operated in one entry using a combination of single
tree and group selection prescriptions. (JD Irving)
SELECTION: Also a continuous harvesting operation on a periodic intervention
cycle, except groups of trees are removed as they mature.
Characterized by:
- Uniformly
distributed removals,
- 20 to 40
feet in diameter, associated with
undisturbed adjacent areas. (Vermont) The cut patches
will be shaded favouring spruce-fir regen.
- 1/4 to
1 acre patches (Fraser)
- Ten to
20 year intervention schedules. Favour
lived species such as cedar, hemlock and
- Summer longing to scarify
seedbed which favours
spruce regeneration. (Vermont) Winter
logging only on
wet sites.
solely at the improvement
or tending of an established stand, especially those under even-aged management.
These cuttings serve rather well defined purposes and are classified
and named accordingly. Often intermediate cuttings are the first
intervention in a previously "unmanaged" stand, and are usually referred to
as an improvement or low grade cut, or
thinning. For example
a precommercial thinning. In
some cases, the operation may be in the form of a release cut or residual
Thinning (PCT): Should be done before the stand is a functional shelter,
and at a heavy or frequent intensity so that thinning will not be essential
during the last half of the rotation.
Especially useful to promote crown development and stem growth leading
to the earlier development
as a functional shelter. Done
before the trees reach 15 ft tall and 2 inches in size, to improve stand growth
and quality, softwood composition, merchantable volume and rotation age or
intervention schedule.
For example: - long rotation age (80+ yrs)
(Vermont) - 15 to 20 year operating interval
PCT 700-800 trees/ac @ age 15 to 20
Com. Thin
to 400 trees/ac @ age 35
- shorter rotation (60 yrs)
PCT to 400 trees/ac @ age 15 to 20
Commercial thinning is generally prescribed in the managed stands (planted
or pre-commercially thinned), but some unmanaged natural areas are also treated
where conditions are appropriate (eg. natural jack pine of fire origin). The
primary objective of this treatment is to maintain vigorous growth rates by
removing a portion of the trees, usually focusing on the lower quality stems..
This prescription generally removes 20-40% of the area (and volume) in the
first treatment (modelled as 30% removal). Depending on the species, density
and site productivity, commercial thinning may be prescribed in stands varying
from 20 -50 yrs old. This treatment is usually eligible for a royalty discount.
(JD Irving)
Commercial Thinnings: The rule of thumb,
"thin early or don't thin at all." (Vermont). Not to be done in large pole to sawlog
sized stands. Commercial thinning
is done in a immature stand and generates pulpwood products, leading to a
final sawlog harvest. For DWA's,
repeated thinnings not recommended due to adverse effect on shelter. The amount of functional shelter and the
duration (window of suitability) afforded are interdependent. If half the area is to provide functional
shelter, thinning must ensure that crown closure (70%) is recovered before
1/2 of the rotation age is reached.
#11 Sanitation/Salvage
Cutting: These are improvement cuttings in stands in order to salvage
trees which are dead or near death due fire, maturity, ice or wind storms,
insects or disease. (ie imminent mortality, JDI).
Remove poorest quality trees and some good quality trees in order to
leave adequate growing space for the residual trees and the establishment
of shade tolerant regen (Fraser).
HARVEST Salvage harvesting is prescibed in specific situations to
salvage recent or imminent mortality ncluding blowdown in stands that would
otherwise not be sceduled for harvesting in the very near future. this prescription
would most often be utilized along roadsides and block edges. These prescriptions
are not blocked in the management plan. See salvage operations below. This
treatment is usually eligible for a royalty discount. (JD Irving)