and relevant links
Atlantic Forestry Centre - The Atlantic Forestry Centre is one of
five Canadian Forest Service research centres. It plays a vital role in regional
and national forestry research programs. Itīs located in both Fredericton,
New Brunswick and Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Department
Natural Resources And Energy New Brunswick Annual Report - .- website
contains Government report on Forest Managent.
- Department
Natural Resources New Brunswick Forests - Government resource providing
contacts, information and related links to forests in New Brunswick
- Forest
Health and Biodiversity News .com - Atlantic Canadian Forest Service
Newpaper in PDF format
Choosing a Silviculture System for White Pine
- This
6-page Extension Notes publication provides
a framework for deciding on a silvicultural system for your woodland. It also
describes the selection, clearcut, and shelterwood silvicultural systems.
Crop Tree Management in Eastern Hardwoods
- This
44-page (8.2 mb) Forest Service Agriculture Handbook was written in
1968 for practicing foresters and focuses intently on efficient timber production.
It includes a detailed nine-page key to silvicultural prescriptions. Forest
Finance: Sustainable Forest Harvesting: An Economic Perspective
- This
5-page publication from Penn State compares crown thinning and diameter-limit
cuts using Net Present Value calculations within the framework of ecologically
and economically sustainable forestry. Forest Succession
- This
website provides access to a 43-page handbook. The handbook consists
of charts, tables and decision keys relating to forest management in Nova
Scotia. Some examples include a harvest restrictions key, growth projections
for plantation red spruce, and a shelterwood -- seed tree key. Growing Black
- This
webpage provides a good summary of walnut management. The discussion
includes walnut site preferences, and management for timber, nuts, and in
agroforestry systems. There are numerous links to supporting illustrations
and images Guide to Wildlife Tree Management in New England Northern Hardwoods
- This
34-page Technical Report includes a description of wildlife habitat,
mast production, and the growing and managing of trees of value to wildlife.
Included are tables that relate tree types/species to wildlife species, and
a key that relates stand conditions to management recommendations sensitive
to wildlife habitat. May be slow to download. How to Manage Aspen
This 4-page Forest Facts
publication looks at quaking aspen and bigtooth aspen. Topics include managing
mature and young stands, regeneration, and wildlife. Also provided are site
index curves for both species, and aspen management recommendations for poor,
medium, and good sites.
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