This silvicutural key is designed to diagnose prescription treatments for woodlot stands and includes the first seven (7) major decision nodes, labeled A through G, of the key. This key is modeled after the key found in the Silvicultural Guide for Spruce-Fir in the Northeast (Frank & Bjorbom, 1973). Stands are keyed out at the reproduction system or intermediate treatment level, according to the following dicotymus outline leading to the relative silvicultural system. Required Basic Stand Data for Silvicultural Key
basic understandings and stand data are required to work your way to the recommended silvicultural system. These include data required at the following decision nodes:
- A selection of even-aged or uneven-aged management stategy
- A decision node at stand type
- A decision node at 100m3/ha (speices, diameter-breast-height, height/product info)
- A decision node at the stability and development stage of the trees present
- A decision node for stocking of advanced regeneration
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key as a PDF file